(15 X 05) Forward and Backward

Unfortunately, I do not have the time today to type out a long entry, but to compensate, here is some research I have been doing lately. I downloaded a sound editing software called Audacity and did a study on backmasking (click on link to learn more, but put simply, backmasking is hiding messages in a song, which will be revealed when the song is played backwards). The song in question is Hotel California by The Eagles, to listen to song, click on the player at the end of the paragraph. The song is first played forwards, and midway, I've edited it so that midway, the song will play backwards. When the song is playing backwards, try to catch the message or what seems to be the message hidden in the song. Hint: it is Satanic...

Note: To switch off the music on my blog, scroll to the bottom of the page, and pause the "Rhythm of the Falling Rain" controller (Imeem)

Still haven't got it? Well, this is the backwards portion played slower...

Now, I hope you would have noticed how difficult it is to pick up the message hidden in backmasked songs. However, if I told you the message (I won't post it here, click on the link to see it, along with other examples), you would notice it straight away. So, is it purposive or just a pure coincidence... once again, I leave to you to decide...