090 Procrastinated

There's this famous quote amongst the 2006/2007 SAJC KI batch... "Do you know what it feels like right now?". The actual answer has got something to do with a fruit associated with the state of Johor, but let me answer the question in a less...erm, organic... manner. OK, I admit that I'm bored, but the reason why nothing ever appears in this blog, is because of the cause of boredom. Right, very funny... I know, laugh in an ironic manner now. Good, moving on...

Recently, I came up with a nice metaphor, my mind is like 7-11, yes, the convenience store. It has to be open 24 hours and it is actually making everyone happy by doing just that... but there comes a time where nothing is really happening in the neighbourhood, you know, boring nights when no one turns up for hours, regular business in the day. The guy running the store gets bored, and decides to open at only certain times of the day. Things are fine at first, people didn't mind waiting for a few more hours for the store to open, but occasionally there is an emergency, someone desperately needs a drink in the wee hours of the morning, or another forgot to stock up on condoms during the day. More and more people get irritated, and they start a protest, there is much picketing etc. etc.. But the guy running the store is blissful running the store that way, and if things stay the same, it will get uglier by the day...

...and it is, really. The brain needs constant stimuli, or else, the striking customers, which actually is myself, will get upset, and picketing continues, and so on, and so forth. The bad news is, the brain is now too lazy to meet the demands of the customers, and so it's really Catch-22. Sure, the occasional customer gets served, but the overall sentiment is bitter. Great...