184 Refuse

I'll keep this short, since I'm not really in the mood to write on anything in particular, but I have a feeling that it's going to be rather long:
The Internet, is, if I'm not mistaken, filled with rubbish that we don't really need to have to sift through, this line included. There are over 100 million pages on the internet, and I daresay, only slightly less than a million pages are worth reading, or in any way, informative. The rest of it are social networking sites, corporate pages, advertisements, businesses, personal pages, frauds, scams, pornography, fansites and websites pretending to be informative. And, hence you end up wasting time, learning stuff you don't need to know, and even spending money you didn't have to spend. While it's a great way to pass away the free time, it's lousy way of increasing productivity, and highly distracting, since it encourages digression from the main objective. It's sort of like going to Ikea, where you go to buy, say only a replacement light bulb, and you end up also purchasing a host of other things that look very interesting and rather useful, such as toys, batteries, clocks, electric mixers, small objects, tea lamps and storage containers.
The interlinking of one useless, but temporarily interesting page, to other equally useless but interesting page makes the surfing the Interweb feels like shopping for accessories (I'm not female, and the time spent doing this baffles me) , where there's just so many choices, all of which equally pretty at that point in time and space. But all that really doesn't matter so much anymore once you get home... That's just a lot of time spent going around trying to educate oneself, regarding a particular topic, that, goodness knows when, it will be useful again.
So, yes, what I'm saying is that the wonders of the Internet is basically the granting of the ability to a whole lot of monkeys to post their thoughts, intelligent or otherwise, for the whole world to see.. Humans, and their infinite stupidity (don't blame me, blame Einstein), have allowed some of their nonsense to go out to the world. So, one stupid act, say, the rubbish we get on Youtube, is sensationalised to all the other smart Alecs who want to watch a stupid act, and we all rejoice in the stupidity of one of our kind. It's like laughing at a person who had been tripped, only the audience is so much wider. The humour in life is required, but the trouble, humiliation and utter lack of judgement the viewer and the entertainer had to go through is unnecessary.
In addition, we also get a whole lot of fun reading the banalities of another person's life, as interesting as that event may seem to them. But, think about it, as much as it's interesting to hear, beyond the monitor, it's just a bit more information you didn't need to know. Like celebrity gossip, or political scandals, we function just perfectly without having to know all that stuff. Ultimately, they're simply useless bytes of data, that could have been better spent, for perhaps, planning the day, remembering where you left your car keys or coming up with a revolutionary idea that will actually help yourself and others.
If only there's an intelligibility sift on the Interweb, and a minimum substance quota for ideas posted online, there will be at least one more happy person surfing the web