223 This Birthday...

...is a little different than the others. Other than the constant reminder that this is the start of my last year as "teen"-ager (yes, it's my 19th one), I actually celebrate a double birthday today.
For the first time in the exactly 19 years of my existence, my 19th "English" birthday, or my Gregorian Calendar birthday, coincides with my 20th "Chinese" birthday. The reason why the numbers are slightly different is due to the fact that the Chinese count the actual day of birth as birthday number 1. I'm not sure how often the 16th of December coincides with the 19th day of the 11th Lunar Month, but there is a mathematical method of approaching this problem. However, I'm too lazy to work around the figures.
Note: Of course, by first time, I mean first time since my birth, not inclusive of the day itself.
Before I move on to a little something else, a big thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday at the stroke of the midnight hour on MSN (I was inundated by no fewer than close to 10 conversation windows nearly simultaneously, and you know how I can't multitask), and the wishes on Facebook, which I'm still receiving from time to time at the moment. Now for a little something in return for the effort:
I believe the following "game" is meant to be one of those tag games that involve shuffling the music your playlist, but I'm not going to impose this "game" on anyone, but rather let you voluntarily try it out for yourself. Here's what you do, there are no questions in this game. Rather, you write a poem of 20 lines based on the first line of the 21 random songs (the first line of the first song will be the title). I tried it out this morning, and this was the result:
No Mountain's Too High
When the vision surrounds you,
the whispers in the morning,
you can dance.
What if I told it was all meant to be,
I've met so many women.
If you had my love,
Lying in your arms...
I should have known all along...
Midnight, not a sound from the pavement,
Who are you,
You look into my eyes,
Talking to myself and feeling old.
Baby, I knew at once you were meant for me,
I have been in love and been alone.
From the first day,
You are my fire,
Gotta make a move to a town.
When I opened my eyes today,
You make me feel funny.
PS: Though only 21 songs were needed, I had to go through nearly 40 songs due to the large number of songs without words (i.e only music) and some foreign language songs in my playlist, which I obviously can't place in the poem without making it sound weird. (An alternative was to translate the lyrics to English, but I was in a bit of a hurry).