129 Recently Part 2

Telling time can get really complex...
Since, in the end, we still use seconds, minutes and hours, introducing units that describe very small or large units of time will barely make it into everyday usage. So, I've proposed alternate measurements of the minute, that relates to common events, where we wonder whether the minute really is 60 seconds...
  • The Universal Minute (UniM): 1 UniM = 60 seconds
  • The Hold-on, Please Minute (HopM): 1 HopM = 6000 seconds or longer
  • The Procrastinator's Minute (ProM): 1 ProM = The 60 seconds after the next 60 seconds
  • The Malaysian Minute (MyM): (any number, n) MyM = (30 + n) UniM
  • The Singaporean Minute (SgM): 1 SgM = 59.999999... seconds
  • The Just a Minute (JaM): 1 JaM = anything from 15 seconds to 1 HopM
  • The Corporate Minute (CoM): 1 CoM = about 45 seconds and still decreasing
  • The Salesman Minute (SaM): 1 SaM = definitely more than 60 seconds
  • The Baker's Minute (BaM): 1 BaM = 61 seconds, thanks for waiting...
  • The Wait a Minute (WaM): 1 WaM = depends on the person's intelligence...
That's it for these few minutes, may be back later today if I'm in the mood....