135 Recon-template-ion

A four-columned blog template was definitely an experiment, but the need for a change was becoming imperative. Newer widgets are suited for the new Blogger HTML, and the old template used what was called the "Classic HTML", creating a lot of problems when adding in page elements. It's not that I'm not adept at HTML codes, it was getting a little annoying with respect to certain widgets, such as the C-Box that wouldn't function in Classic HTML, despite me trying desperately to reconstruct the old HTML to fit it in. After many weeks of trying, I finally gave up and change the template to one that is compatible to the new Blogger HTML. I must agree with Chia Wei that fooling around with Blogger HTML is definitely a harrowing experience.

I wanted to change the header, but I guess that won't happen in the near future since I have to return to Singapore and prepare for my Mount Kinabalu climb, combined with attempts to continue to, as quoted from the sub-header, "persistently dish out daily doses of quirky humour, sarcasm and esoteric information". So, it would seem that you'll be stuck with different shades of blue for the time being, but it's still nice, isn't it?

So, here marks the beginning of a new chapter of this blog, which should also mark the beginning of a new chapter of my life... but the previous chapter was so grippingly exciting that I still want to add few more words, if not paragraphs, to it... so, here's me joining the chorus of people who want a trip to Redang, or some other place as interesting as Genting (or, Gentings, depending on the person you ask)...

PS: ...as long as it's not on the 3rd to 8th of May, I would be climbing THE Mountain then...