149 Reasons & Reasonings

149 Blog Posts

58 "Re-" Post Titles
23 Months, 25 Days
1 Author
This is what happens when you have watched one too many episodes of Numb3rs....
There are a few things I wish to accomplish with this post, which is what could be the last post of my most prolific blogging month .
1) Re-
There is really something going on with the "Re-" prefixes in the posts, and it's because, well... is a lexicon challenge I've set for myself. The challenge: To rack my brains for a word beginning with RE- that fits the content of the post. You see, I get bored if I don't get any intellectual challenge frequently enough, so I derive fun from making up this rule, and playing along with it. So, please, there is nothing weird going on with the blog titles... and certainly no conspiracy theories... like my girlfriend's name starts with Re- or anything like that. And no, I just made that theory up about 2 minutes ago, it's not a Freudian Slip.
2) Reasoning - The Average Game's Problem
What's the problem? Now, let's try this out together. If you were outside the group of people playing the game, you would note that if everyone chose a number between 0 to 100, half the average of all the choices made is definitely less than 50. So far, so good?
Of course, the kids know that too, and so no one would choose a number more than 50... but if that happens, half the average of the numbers chosen by them is now never more than 25... isn't that true?
So, no one in their sane mind would choose a number larger than 25, but that would cause the half of the average to be always less than 13. And the same line of argument will continue until we reach an average very close to 0, so will everyone choose 0?
The answer, in practice is no. Using Game Theory, like in the case of the Prisoners' Dilemma, we would rationally choose a number that is significantly larger, since we know that if one or more person in the group chose a non-zero number, those who chose 0 will be at a loss. So, it's a better gamble to assume that someone will betray the logic for their own gain, than everyone sticking to the logical line of argument and losing out (since the prize will be greatly reduced due to distribution).
3) Reasons - Question Marks
Why is it that a doctor call what they do 'practice'?
Sometimes, actually, most of the time, the word practice implies that since someone is not good at something, he must do it repeatedly to become better. However, the real meaning of the word 'practice' simply means 'to perform' from Greek Praktikos.
Why is lemon juice made from artificial flavour, and dishwashing liquid made from real lemons?
Of course, not all lemon juice is made from artificial flavour, but it is, because it saves costs and better still, no one is stuck with the unenviable task of squeezing lemons as a career. Dishwashing liquid, on the other hand, requires the use of real lemons because of a natural substance found is its juice called limonene that has oil-removing properties, and also, the sweet smell of the esters in the juice.
Why is the man that invests your money called a broker?
One of the ironies of life, isn't it? But, to be realistic, the roots of the words broke and broker are completely different. Broker comes from the Anglo-Norman word Brocour, meaning trader. Broke comes from Broc, Old English, meaning misery.
Why is the time of the day with the slowest traffic called Rush Hour?
Actually, the rush in 'rush hour' is not directly referring to the speed of the traffic. It's actually referring to the commuters boarding, say trains, MRT, buses etc. That's because, everyone's a little kiasu deep down inside, aren't we?
Why they are call apartments when all the units are stuck together?
The confusion lies in the question of what is being kept apart. Apartment stems from French appartement, meaning "private rooms for the use of one person within a house". So the 'Apart' refers to' keeping people 'apart' within the same building'.
Why do they sterilise needles used for lethal injections?
Not exactly sure, but here's an educated guess... it is possible that if the lethal fluid is tainted, it could interfere with the supposed effect of the drug, or it's just a standard medical procedure.
If con is the opposite pro, is progress the opposite of Congress?
A very funny joke, if get what the question is implying... and as much as I want to say yes to the question... I must resist. "Con" of "pros and cons" is short for "Contra", Latin word for against. The "con" of "Congress" is actually a corruption of the prefix "Com-" meaning together in Latin, likewise in Constitute and Conglomerate.
Why isn't the material used in blackboxes used to make the plane?
I assure you, the aeronautical engineers aren't that silly. Black boxes are usually made from stainless steel and titanium. An alloy of titanium and aluminium is used for making aircraft bodies, while stainless steel is far too dense to be used for the aircraft. However, if the same amount of protection given to the blackbox were given to the plane, the plane would be too heavy to lift off.
Why isn't there mouse-flavoured cat food?
I think cats prefer fish more anytime, but otherwise... no idea....
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitos?
Do I seriously have to answer this?!
Thanks Shean, for letting me answer these questions... you've really made my day...