126 Reality Redefined 2

Have you heard of a neurological condition known as synesthesia? There have been many reports of people with this, such as Richard Feynman, the well-known physicist. Synesthesia, from the Greek roots, syn- meaning together and -aisthesis meaning sensation, is a neurological condition where some people in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. One well-documented form of synesthesia is sound-colour synesthesia, where a person perceives certain sounds as having colours or shapes...

This, like the previous Reality Redefined post, contains photographs of everyday objects taken in a way that we don't normally see them, and this set of photographs is titled "Synesthesia: Rainbows in the Dark", because it roughly resembles images that sound-colour synesthetic people perceive sound as...

As I was uploading the photos, I was watching a recitation of the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe on Youtube, though the poem itself is beautiful, to act out the narration while reciting the poem is an even tougher job... well then, let these be my parting words... "Nevermore..."


Anonymous said...

The solution to the math teacher problem is so simple after all! Interesting.....

Hmm the tonality of your blog is quite similar to xkcd.com. NT-ness man.

And as a person who practically lives online, I must say that your msn-time graphs are rather accurate.

For the Friday transition, I'd say that before 5 or 6pm it looks like a weekday but after that it would appear exactly like a weekend. Vice versa with Sunday, though the momentum of being glued to the computer screens keep people online a little longer on Sundays.

However the assumption would be that your sample group of MSN contacts follow regular hours as demanded by standard work and study conditions. It does not include jobless folks like myself or the odd few who can go online at their workplace.